Four Walls (2018)

Leo Tsao (Australia)

The winner in the category Intermedia Artwork

International Competition for the Intermedia Artwork 2018

Four Walls a four channel video installation exploring the experiences of four queer new yorkers and their relationship with their personal space and the city. Four Walls focuses on four queer New Yorkers and their relationship to their personal space and its surroundings. It explores the similarities in queer phenomenological experiences as well as the differences varying intersections of identity make. Music by Nin Martoize.

Justification of the Jury

ICIA 2018 Jury: Izabella Gustowska, Ryszard W. Kluszczyński, Michał Ostrowicki / Sidey Myoo, Mirosław Rogala, Jeffrey Shaw

Jury took into consideration the universal presentation of human existence, which was infused with dispersion and transformation. The artwork depicts life of four people, whose world slowly has been subjected to a destruction. The work manifests the value of the transformative effects upon the reality, which naturally disintegrates and reconstructs itself again.


Leo Tsao is an Australian Taiwanese artist and designer currently based in New York. His work explores queer phenomenology to challenge oppressive perspectives and create new modes of perception. He was granted an exchange scholarship and studied visual communication majoring in narrative film at the Berlin University of the Arts in 2015. He graduated in 2017 with a Bachelor of Design, achieving first class honours from the University of New South Wales Art & Design. He is currently exploring: queer phenomenology, experimental art practice + community activism & movement. More of his work can be found at

360° VR video-installation