
The VIRTUAL_ICIA 2020 Modular VR art presentation is a virtual explosion of events associated with the idea of the International Competition For Intermedia Artwork organized by Foundation for the Development of Intermedia Art in cooperation with the Intermedia Faculty at the Kraków Academy of Fine Arts. Our goal is to spread knowledge on immersive artistic projects on the border between art and science. As scholars, we also keep an eye on the application of modern technologies in current artistic and research practices of a new generation of artists.

We want to theoretically reflect on the future of immersive and interactive artistic phenomena, and the potential directions of new aesthetic trends. By launching the panel of online lectures, workshops and presentations we wish to expand the spectrum of new media art recipients, and provide new tools to navigate virtual worlds – both in a theoretical and practical aspect.

VIRTUAL_ICIA 2020 - opening of the VR cave

An important element of Virtual ICIA is opening of the VR cave – a virtual gallery offering interactive sightseeing. Within the gallery space it will be possible to see works by laureates of the Contest’s first. 2018 edition. It will include six virtual intermedia art piece arrangements. Viewers will be able to take a virtual walk around the cave’s space and take advantage of the online tour guide option.